Hola MorningStar! After a lovely breakfast of eggs,beans,and cereal we headed back to Torre Fuerte for our VBS Program with The Prodigal Son. While most of us worked with the kids, Judi and Sarah printed and posted 183 photos of kids onto picture frames for tomorrows crafts. Throughout the morning, Paul,John, and Pastor Jimmy recorded videos showing what we've been doing all week. During our skit, Walt was pretty convincing as the cow that gets killed.
Anna has been our fearless leader all week leading VBS! We are all so very thankful for her being here to help us this week. Without her, we would probably be really lost when it comes to our skits.
The kids left at 11 today and after that, we began to finish our painting. The pastors wife and some other women in the church made us a traditional Guatemalan meal for lunch. Can't tell you the name of the meal..but it was delicious!
After hours of painting, we had to clean up,head back to the hotel to shower,eat dinner and head back to the school for an incredible church service. While we were packing up at the school, it started to rain. It wasn't expected, but it was a very nice cooldown as today seemed to be one of the hottest days of the week.
The church service this evening was absolutley incredible. It started out with worship music, two of the songs they sang were Here I am To Worship and Open The Eyes of My Heart Lord. Their pastor led the worship, with an incredible voice! How come MorningStar's pastors don't sing?!?!After that, Pastor Jimmy was able to get up and give a short message. One of the things he touched on was: There are no benchwarmers, spectators, or subs on God's team. On a closing note before I head to bed, Pastor Jimmy's closing comment was: Come and see. Go and tell.
"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily what he wants from you,and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-fomed maturity in you"-Romans 12:2